10 Incredibly Bizarre Painters and their Weird Techniques

12 Most Awesome Pieces of Food Art

10 Fascinating Art Installations

20 Awesome 3D Pavement Illusions

15 Amazing Body Paintings

15 Extraordinary Mass Human Formations

15 Extraordinary Sand Sculptures

14 Sculptures made of Tires

12 Amazing Chewing Gum Sculptures

Playing with Food: 15 Pieces of Food Art

10 Amazing Sculptures Made of Typewriters

Storm Drain Art: 20 Artworks from Brazil

12 Amazing Pencil Sculptures

Matryoshkas: 12 Most Creative Russian Nested Dolls

15 Amazing Etch-a-Sketch Artworks

10 Most Amazing Grass Sculptures

Manhole Art: 15 Creative Covers

13 Coolest Mona Lisa Parodies & Recreations

14 Coolest Pregnant Belly Paintings

15 Fascinating Light Sculptures

15 Coolest Nail Art Designs

12 Amazingly Tiny Pieces of Art

12 Coolest Works of Barcode Art

12 Most Creative Recycled Sculptures‏

12 Amazing Photos of Urban Camouflage

10 Amazing Smoke Art Pieces

Another 15 Extraordinary Sand Sculptures

12 Most Creative Papercraft Artworks

15 Amazing Balloon Twisting Artworks

Painted Alive: 12 Amazing Pieces of Body Painting

12 Most Realistic Lego Sculptures

15 Vintage Valentine Cards with Funny Messages

15 Creative Recession Time Graffiti


15 Cool Money Artworks

15 Creative Sculptures Made of Beer Cans

10 Creative Album Cover Art Collages

12 Amazing Sculptures Made of Butter

12 Amazing Objects Made From Plastic Bags

15 Awesome Sandwich Artworks

Body Art: 12 Coolest Finger Paintings

Erotic Art: 10 Erotic Galleries and Sculptures

12 Unbelievable Mosaics

10 Amazing Sculptures Made of Hubcaps

Another 13 Creative Bus Ads

10 Most Controversial Sculptures

12 Amazing Pieces of Pencil Art

13 Coolest Airplane Paint Jobs

15 Coolest Snowmen

12 Creatively Placed Street Art

12 Most Creative Objects Inspired by the Rubik's Cube

12 Coolest Pieces of Airigami

10 Amazing Transparent Sculptures

15 Coolest Peeps Dioramas


12 Bizarre Fruit & Vegetable Carvings

Another 15 Amazing 3D Street Illusions

10 Awesome Miniature Crafted Cities

12 Sexiest Body Painting Clothes & Underwear

12 Coolest Pieces of Pothole Art

12 Amazing Pieces of Yarn Bombing

12 Most Amazing Custom Piñatas

10 Coolest Window Doodles

20 Coolest & Weirdest Needle Felted Creations

12 Most Amazing Face Paints

12 Extreme Animal Hairstyles

12 Craziest Sculptures

12 Coolest Pictures of Post-it War

12 Cutest Finger Drawings

10 Incredibly Bizarre Art Installations

10 Coolest "They Live" Displays

12 Hilarious Family Car Stickers

10 Unusual Jello Creations